Offering speciality foods since 2008

Aunt Lizzie's Celtic Creations began how most things begin in our family...with dinner.
As a young mother to four boys and two girls, I cooked large, hearty meals, and rarely had time to measure out the spices I was putting into them.
One day, after having the 30th person ask me what I put into my spaghetti sauce, I decided to figure out exactly what "a little of this, and a little of that" was. I measured out my spices and wrote it down, and Aunt Lizzie's Italian Spaghetti Sauce mix was born. Everyone loved it so much, that I continued coming up with other family favorites and new flavors that I could hand blend and package for you.
The result has been a quality line of products and a family owned business that comes straight from our house at the tip of the thumb to your house and the tip of your tongue.
"Bainigí sult as an bia!"
"Enjoy the food!"